Day Sixty-Five/ Image Sixty-Five

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show.

Here I am again, indulging my fascination with tidal waves. And for those of you who have not been following me and my love of depicting natural disasters, here is a picture of a tidal wave about to wipe out a swimmer.

What I like most about this one is the apparent determination of the swimmer in spite of the tidal wave. She is not letting the fact that a tidal wave is coming deter her from her goal.

This reminds me of all those tasks we dread doing and therefore, we avoid them. If only we did not put them off, we would realize how fast the jobs can be accomplished. It is in procrastinating that we do these tasks more than once. Conceptually doing them over and over, rather than merely marching toward them, like the swimmer.

In our minds, we will be destroyed by the task. There is no outcome collage. No way of knowing what happens to the swimmer. So maybe it is best to procrastinate.