WhIle I am on the subject of my daughter’s Prom, she and I, of course, had to go Prom dress shopping. For Senior Prom.

Two Prom dresses. One remade and shortened (Her date was short all of a sudden.) The second one, altered for $225.00. Yup, you don’t want to know what the dress cost. Five pair of shoes: One pair, too high for the first Prom dress. One perfect for the first Prom dress. One not as dressy as it should be. (We are into the second Prom dress now.) One pair of shoes sprayed with two cans of Krylon glitter spray (The story of the glitter sprayed shoes is saved for another blog.) And, finally, the perfect pair.

Prom went off in the perfect fashion. Drama, dreams and delirium.

I want to go back to listening to the garbage removal truck outside!