As I have mentioned before, I filled out a sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project, part of The Brooklyn Art Library. The category for this one is, Hollis Hildebrand-Mills 2021 – “Thoughts”. This particular page has nothing to do with anything except I bought one of those diffusers you fill up with a scent which billows out this fragrant steam all night. I like this one especially because you can turn out the lights that change every few seconds. Change them to no light at all, so it doesn’t annoy you when you sleep. I bought it for my allergies, thinking my bronchitis would clear up. The neat thing is, that my husband and the dog don’t snore anymore. Which is really a benefit I never considered. And it is a nice feature. Yes my bronchitis is better, even though my allergist tried to steer me away from the diffuser when I was shopping for one.

Also I had fun drawing this and I can’t say that about all the pages in this book.

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