Archives for posts with tag: internationally exhibited


Collage by Hollis HIldebrand-Mills/ Oscar Statuette courtesy of AMPAS

“If you build it, they will come.” – A quote from the movie “Field Of Dreams.” I am a believer in my ability to make things happen.

I could give you many examples of how I manifest my dreams. If a person is certain something will happen, and is focused enough on the goal, the subconscious mind will make it so.

A recent example of this: Although I am allergic to cats, I love them. Disregarding the allergist’s advice, I had two cats for many years, until they both died of old age. I have been catless for fifteen years. With a friend the other night, she told me Siamese cat dander is different – I would not be allergic to Siamese cats! And suddenly the possibility of having another cat was there!

A few days later, I was downstairs, hanging the remaining unsold collages from my “Afloat” show. They had been stored in boxes at my studio and I wanted to enjoy them. I looked out the window and there was a Siamese cat coming up the steps from our woods! I practically fell off the ladder! No! Not again! Have I manifested this?

You long-time blogger friends know that Vince Wiggins and I collaborated to make my animated video, “Bread In The Sky.” Not totally believing it, skeptical, of course, but all the same, together we have been occasionally visualizing winning an Academy Award for our video. (In the category of Best Animated Short Film.) Yes, a far flung dream. Yes, a long shot. Even so, he and I were at it again recently and we visualized the entire red carpet thing. A few times. We got to the place where we each brought our Oscars home. Vince knew exactly where he was going to place his statuette. But there, I was uncertain. I did not know where I would put mine. Did this mean I do not want an Academy Award? I mean, come on! Everyone wants an Oscar! Or did it mean I just cannot imagine (literally) receiving the highest award in the world for a short film? I mean, really, “Bread In The Sky?” It would certainly shock the art critic who gave it a bad review! The critic told me a few months later that after seeing it again, it was the projection room I built that made him feel claustrophobic. It tainted his opinion. He rewrote the original review in a slightly more positive light.

I am not saying that work does not help make your dreams come true. That projection room was not easy to build. Not to mention the months of tedious animation time I put in for that 17 minute film. Anyone who has ever done this knows. But where to place Oscar? Do I want this? Me not filling in that one important blank…..get this down, folks….. of knowing where I am going to place my statuette, signifies doubt and doubt prevents manifestation. Do I want to win an Academy Award?

I have not seen the cat lately. He must have a home. Or, because I have bronchitis, the cat will not appear. Intentions. Do they affect the outcome of the dreams in your life?

Copyright Hollis Hildebrand-Mills 2014 All Rights Reserved

IMG_2652People are talking about the jealousy they feel when they look at Facebook. Some are deactivating their Facebook accounts to save themselves the “drama.” The drama, of course, being the envy they feel, of not being able to afford to go to the beach, not having a relationship, not getting married, not having kids, whatever. Not having a beautiful job!

It is well known that only the high points of peoples’ lives are presented there. So why are we jealous when someone is smiling behind a Pina Colada?

I think it is because we are desensitized, due to the everyday assault of images coated in glamour. Reality TV has become a standard. We accept it as real. Reality TV came about when no one was around to write screenplays for television shows. There was a writers strike going on at the time. It was cheap, plotless broadcasting. And remains cheap, plotless broadcasting.

Given this, people actually think their ‘friends’ on Facebook are doing better than they are. And the number of ‘likes’ are there to prove it.

I guess it makes sense to brag about your child’s accomplishments rather than talk about how much yeast medicine you have to use due to a long term prescription of antibiotics. Or while you had the flu, the nearest place to vomit was a trash can right outside the movie theatre. Granite countertops do not barf, yell at their kids, have nosebleeds or smear jelly all over their jeans. We all want granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and sunken sinks with “OMG! I can’t believe it!”

Is a selfie of those people taken, straining out from a line at the pharmacy of, say, six people? Or, better yet, a selfie taken of the pharmacist and the sick person? How many ‘likes’ would a person get there?

Because real life is not Facebook. Real life is not Reality TV. And those people who seem to have everything, do not. They just don’t take photographs of themselves when they are wiping a stain off their shirt, eating chips and salsa. The people on Facebook pose for those Facebook pictures, iphone clicking away, with a face they think looks best on them.

A face that looks like they have everything too!

Copyright Hollis Hildebrand-Mills 2014 All Rights Reserved

Day Ninety-Four/Image Ninety-Four

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show.

It is Christmastime!

I dragged our nine foot Christmas tree, (with the help of three strong men), out of its storage place this year! Oh yes, I thought, this will be good. For the last four years we have not had the big tree. Two mediums and one very small one. All ours. All fake. Stored in our attic. This year, it had to be the big tree!

Why? I guess, because this year has not been the best. Oh, some good stuff. But not the things dreams are made of. The big tree, I thought, will take care of all that.

Until I realized, (and this does break the spell a little) that to decorate it, it would take seven hours. And roughly, although I have never counted them, all of my 1500 ornaments had to be carefully hung. There may be 2000, 2500, 3000! I don’t know. Yep, it did take seven hours.

It looks beautiful. Excessive. Laden. Like Tavern on The Green. Only more so.

If this Christmas tree is a talisman for dreams coming true, a shrine to happiness, never mind exultation, I think I accomplished all that. I think this upcoming year will be spectacular!

Spectacular, I hope, for you too!

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Eighty-Six/Image Eighty-Six

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show.

The collage above looks like a farmer‘s hands proudly presenting his crop’s output.
I never thought of this before, but looking at it now, it reflects that expression “Manna From Heaven.”

Maybe because the arms of the person are all that is seen; the produce seems to be given freely. No strings.

A lot of artists and musicians believe the Universe is talking to them all the time, giving them creative ideas. Michael Jackson and Prince were both spiritual people. And they liked this idea of the Universe handing out ideas. Michael Jackson told the press once, when he was asked how he maintained his strong work ethic? He had to listen very carefully, lest The Universe give his ideas to Prince.

I wonder how Prince feels now about keeping these ideas to himself?

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Reblog Number Nine

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Six/Image Six

This is an unframed collage from my solo show “Afloat”. Ceres Gallery. New York. Photo taken in my studio just after I finished it. My love of water. Joyful feeling of the man in front of the wave. Reminds me of childhood times in the summer.

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Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Sixty-Eight//Image Sixty-Eight

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show

I am transitioning out of my present blog format for a very good reason: Showing the 100 collages in my current blog format is coming to a close. (We are on “Sixty-Eight”) To make the transition easier, (soon) , I am planning to blog about other art-related things interspersed with continuing to post the “Afloat” collages until I reach the 100. I will ease out of the front and center visual and few paragraphs of copy into something else.

I have a fear of boring my present followers. I am taking a risk. First, I have tried to keep my blog short. And primarily visual. People do not have time now to do anything but scan.

I am scheduled for another solo show in 2015. A solo show requires me to spend at least an entire year to bring it to its…

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Reblog Number 7

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Seven/Image Seven

The photo of this collage is one I also took in my studio. Right after I did it. Solo Show. Ceres Gallery. New York. Jacque Cousteau in a glass.

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Reblog Number Six

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day 10/Image 10

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. Solo Show. New York.

This collage contains a huge flower in the foreground, in front of a very large crowd in an outside environment. Like an outdoor concert. The texture of the flower is similar to the “texture” of the crowd, linking them in an almost indecipherable mass of dots.

I have no idea how to comment on this, other than to say I love how two disparate subjects could look alike and form an abstraction.

More later on how this idea formed the making of these collages, rather than my focusing on the eerie, sometimes funny subject matter that does come up.

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Reblog Number Five

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Fifty-Nine/Image Fifty-Nine

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show.

Very recently, I purchased an infrared sauna. Now, this idea came to me from my allergist who told me it would clear the toxins from my body, such as environmental toxins, like metal and plastic. He also told me it would help relieve a sinus problem I have had for a very long time.

I even heard from some metaphysically minded folks that infrared sauna use would eliminate “bad energy.” Such as someone glaring at you in the supermarket, which apparently goes into your system. Or more blatant bad events, like a car accident or a fight with your spouse. Or someone’s jealously that manifests into so-called “thought evil” doing your body harm.

Infrared waves (heat waves) go through the sauna, and unlike a regular sauna, a person doesn’t get as hot. But profuse sweating occurs. The toxins come out of the…

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Reblog Number Four

Hollis Hildebrand-Mills

Day Eighty-Five/Image Eighty-Five

“Afloat” Image. Ceres Gallery. New York. Solo Show.

Last year when I went to the gym, I was called the Scuba Planker. I did an exercise called The Plank. The Plank is done by placing your elbows on the floor with your forearms in front. You rest the weight of your body on your elbows, supported by your toes, keeping everything else in your body in a straight line off the ground…….holding it for as long as you can. It is very hard. At first I could hold it for 30 seconds, working my way up to holding it for 2 and a half minutes.

It is difficult. I did not want to be doing it except that it is to strengthen the center part of your body. No one in their right mind would want to be totally present while doing it. And because it hurts the longer you…

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