During the pandemic, let’s say between the months of
April 2020 – present time (March 2021), like most people, I was stricken. No one knew how to cope. Each person had never been through anything like this. I was coping in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia.

For the past year and a half, I had been planning a solo show in New York at Ceres Gallery. It was entitled BENEATH. It became obvious that the show scheduled for April 28-May 23, 2020 was not going to take place. That the city, truly, was “beneath”. Even my paintings, done on large canvases and framed collages on paper, had little spores surrounding skulls and a certain amount of gore. All this coming from The Universe, knowing before I did, what was to come. A topical body of work, but one that was to be seen virtually, otherwise held back, until the virus was finished crippling our lives.

The photo below was taken in my basement studio. My downtown studio was “locked down”. I have moved some of the work for this show to the downtown studio and some, like the above, “Echinacea” is in our home, in a studio I had created years ago, in case I couldn’t get to the one in the the city of Atlanta.

The show will take place, once again scheduled for New York, this time in 2022, in September. A year and a half from now. I will include this work, adding and subtracting pieces to fit the times as this work did for April of 2020.